Carillon Recitals Resume!
It is good to announce that major essential steelwork repairs and renovation of the playing keyboard, have now been completed. We apologise for extended silence of the Carillon in consequence of the works programme being more extensive than originally planned with a consequent over-run of several weeks.
The Carillon is now restored to full working order and regular weekly recitals will resume on Saturday 07 October at 12 noon and 3:00pm when Trevor Workman will play popular programmes of music hopefully to suit all tastes and preferences.
Formal guided tours to see the Carillon being played will resume on Saturday 21 October. Bookings can be made via the Carillon Visitor Centre (the Rest House - situated on Bournville Village Green - telephone: 07986 552770 or via this website). Tours will depart from the Visitor Centre at 12 noon and 3:00pm on Saturday each week.