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Bournville Carillon featured on the BBC Radio 4 programme "Open Country".
The 'Bournville Legacy' episode included an interview with Trevor Workman who explained how the Carillon works and how it came to be in Bournville. He also played a short piece to demonstrate the sound and versatility of the instrument.
You can hear the interview by clicking on the image on the left or the player below. The whole episode is well worth a listen, but you can jump to the Carillon piece at around 13 minutes in.
(There maybe some problems with playback on the BBC page, depending on the device you're using or if you're listening outside of the UK).
The Bournville Legacy - BBC Radio 4: Felicity Evans
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Our History

Bournville Carillon and Rest House has a fascinating history. For further details, visit the 'History' section of the site.
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