Visitor Centre Reopening on 4th July

Along with many other organisations and businesses, The Carillon Visitor Centre has had to close its doors for a while.

With the lifting of some lock down restrictions, and the addition of a range of Covid awareness and safety provisions, we are now allowed to open again.

Come and join us on Saturday 4th July for a family fun day on 'The Green'; enjoy the best of what Bournville has to offer and listen to specially selected Carillon recitals from Trevor Workman:

12:00 noon: 'Clapper's for carers' - to honour key workers and remember those who have suffered or been lost to Covid-19;

3:00 pm: Music themed around 'U.S.A. Independence Day'

Programme details of both recitals are below - click on the image to enlarge

12 noon Recital: 'Clappers for Carers'

3pm Recital: 'USA Independence Day'
